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Knowledge Needs and Gaps Analysis, Knowledge Retention and Knowledge Strategies


Identify knowledge needs and gaps, limit knowledge loss and share your existing knowledge in your projects or organisation

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Responding to complex policy challenges or developing programs, initiatives and services in complex settings requires drawing on a wide range and scope of knowledge.  Knowledge is a valuable resource produced by people through inquiry or experience and gained in many ways and contexts.  However, knowledge tends to exist in localized pockets, which limits its full potential and benefit.

The benefits of our support

Break down knowledge silos – enhance work across portfolio boundaries.

Identify knowledge pathways, gateways and mechanisms for knowledge exchange

Increase collaboration, innovation and creativity across sectors, teams, projects and organizations

Develop mechanisms for internal and external knowledge exchange and co production

Save money by relying less on complex systems or external expertise

Develop the skills, attitudes and disposition required to effectively broker, transfer, exchange, translate and co-produce knowledge across your projects and organisation

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How we support you

Knowledge needs and gaps

What we do


Knowledge strategies

What we do


Knowledge retention

What we do


Frequently asked questions

Yes, we have found that teams tasked with developing knowledge strategies tend to be overwhelmed by the scale of the process and how to align a knowledge strategy to other existing operational documents and remits. 

We are able to support you because we have the tools, concepts and resources from which to develop a process that is tailored to your needs, efficiently utilizes the resources you have and provides you with a number of strategies from which to put into action your knowledge strategy objectives.

Generally no, we do not focus on traditional knowledge management rather we look at existing mechanisms for knowledge transfer and exchange and either adapt these or develop new ones (co-designed with you)  which fit into your organisations/divisions/team functioning.

From our experience we can safely say that most existing mechanisms for knowledge sharing are based on passive knowledge transfer, we focus on active knowledge exchange – right knowledge at the right time to the right people that actually addresses the knowledge needs and gaps both identified and potential and as a basis of efficiency and effectiveness as well as creativity and innovation.  No talk fests.

Yes, externally is a lot easier, internally is a lot harder due to strongly embedded processes and cultures found within organisations.

It depends, but what we have found is that organisations when trying to complete this work themselves take roughly four-six times longer than we would when asked to complete a contracted piece of work for a client. This is due to the client not being familiar with the processes, tools and concepts needed to undertake such work and not having a clear process mapped out.

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Learn about your knowledge potential